Welcome to Cultural Expeditions Peru's Reservation and Contact Information Page.

This page has been created so that you can inform us of your travel desires. This is an excellent way to begin an expedition planning process. Once we receive your information we will contact you to answer all your questions and meet your needs. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

When working with clients, we ask about your group's reasons for traveling and what they expect as goals from the experience. We want your group to explain in detail what experience they have and what they expect. Cultural Expeditions Peru will then design a unique tour to match your groups particular interests. You say you love to learn? We focus on interdisciplinary areas such as: history, archaeology, anthropology, architecture and art history, textiles, horseback riding, and the famous regional culinary experiences of Peru and more.

You can also tailor your trip with optional extensions, unique intercultural events and hands-on cultural encounters. These private tours are arranged individually and we can accommodate most any size group.

Contact Us at:

Cultural Expeditions Peru, Inc.

e-mail us with any questions, for more details and pricing

Or call 303.699.7671

All information is kept strictly confidential.

Cultural Expeditions Peru offers:

Customized luxury group tours to Peru.

Providing travel to Peru's Spanish and Andean history, archaeology, arts and culture.

Travel packages that promote sustainable travel to areas that conserve the environment, respecting and benefiting local people.

Travel vacations tailored to your interests with expert, scholarly knowledgeable trip leadership.

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cultural expeditions peru

I assumed that Peru could not live up to my dreams. Oh, how wrong I was!! The country was clean and people were compassionate as well as intelligent. I told Charlie that it was 10 times better than expected, thanks to you.
