Add-on Extensions to Expand Your Tour

A sample of various extensions that can be added or combined to your itinerary


Fly over the mysterious Nazca Lines in a 4-6 passenger Cessna. These numerous ancient culture's huge figures are etched into the Nazca Plains and are best observed from the air. The lines are cut into the desert and consist of a large number of parallel and geometrical figures, and also designs of a dog, and enormous monkey, a bird with a wing span of over 100 meters, a spider and a tree. Though these huge figures are centuries old, why they were made and their purpose are still an enigma.

Enjoy a yacht cruise to the Ballestas Islands where close-up you can observe boobies, pelicans, sea lions, and Humboldt penguins. See the unexplained Candelabro Markings, which is a giant figure etched into the coastal hills.

Experience the famous ancient Paracas and Inca textiles and mummies. Visit the tombs and exceptional collection of Wari textiles. This area is also the wine region of Peru.



Take an expedition to the Colca Canyon near Arequipa, which is one of the magnificent geographical features in Peru. It is the largest fissure of erosion in the world and is deeper than the the United States' Grand Canyon. By bus take a drive across Pampa Canahuas at the Aguada Blanca National Reserve, and see the habitat of herds of vicunas. Visit the point from where the great Andean condor can be spotted. By the famous volcano El Misti (topped with snow) is the city of Arequipa. This city is known as the "white city" with the "Molino de Sabandia" (windmill), and has outstanding early Spanish Colonial convents which for 400 years housed nuns who were the second-born daughters of wealthy aristocratic Spanish families. Also, the Museum has on exhibit "Juanita, the ice princess", the frozen body of an Inca maiden found on the summit of Ampato.



Take an expedition to the Manu Rainforest located in southeastern Peru. The Manu National Park is one of the most important tropical reserves in the world, because its 4.5 million acres encompass an entire virgin watershed from the Andean puna at 13,000 feet to low elevation rainforests. It was created in 1973 and designated as a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1977. No other reserve on the planet can compare to it in terms of pure biodiversity.

Tambopata Macaw Center is the world's largest Macaw Lick (where birds lick clay for intestinal cleanses) and has ongoing research and community projects. This expedition allows guests to observe and photograph at close-range what many consider to be the Amazon's greatest avian spectacle.



See the highlands of Bolivia and Lake Titicaca where we follow the sequence of Andean culture through time, starting with a visit of the 2,000 year old Tiahuanaco ruins and the chance to meet the Aymara residents of typical communities like Huatajata and Copacabana, as well as reed boat builders and farmers living at Lake Titicaca.

Call or email for homestays on various Lake Titicaca islands


Catamaran Tours on Lake Titicaca
We can offer catamaran programs starting in La Paz, Bolivia and ending in Puno, Peru or vice versa, or you can do roundtrips from either of those cities. You have the opportunity to sail in first class catamaran and in a totora reed vessel across the lake and visit the Sun Island holding several precolumbian archaeological sites.




At Chiclayo-Trujillo view the mounds at a site on the north coast in the Moche Valley, where the Pyramids house the most expansive collection of Moche murals yet discovered. See the site that has yielded the rich and renowned burial of the Lord of Sipan. Also, explore Chan Chan the capital of the Chimu empire, located only a few miles away and is the world's most extensive adobe city.


Go on an adventurous horseback riding tour on beautiful natural gaited Peruvian Paso horses in Peru's most fascinating region— the Sacred Valley of the ancient Incan Empire.



Choquequirao was probably built at the end of the fifteenth century or beginnings of the sixteenth. This important Inca city was built because of political, social, and economical reasons. The city was carefully built and designed. Choquequirao has temples, houses for the commons and the royalty, storages, fountains, water channels, and Inca terraces for agriculture. In the area the biodiversity of flora and fauna are incomparable. The access and trek to Choquequirao is hard, but it is definitely well worth it.



Chachapoyas is the best place to visit the citadel of Kuelap, the sarcophagi of Karajia and the Mummy Museum of Leymebamba.

The mountain scenery is stunning, with deep canyons, cloud forest and waterfalls including Gocta waterfall the third highest waterfall in the world.

Further afield from Chachapoyas, along trekking routes you can explore the magnificent tomb sites at Tajopampa, including La Petaca and Diablo Hausi or Lake of the Condors. Follow pre-inca trails to Vira Vira one of the magical Cloud Warrior cities.




Extend your expedition to the Galápagos by motor yacht or sailing schooner, with a naturalist-guide, explore numerous Galápagos islands on walks and snorkeling expeditions. This National Park is South America's foremost natural history destination. It offers visitors the chance to watch and photograph unique species of wildlife, to learn about our planet, and how species evolved, and to observe animal behaviors not normally seen, including courtship rituals and nest building.


Call or email for list of prices

Trip extensions can be included to make the most of your expedition to Peru. An expedition can also be designed to include educational interests such as, pre-Columbian pottery, textiles, cultural history, early Spanish Colonial architecture and archaeology, Peruvian horses, weaving, ancient and contemporary horticulture, ancient mining techniques, Andean cuisine, birdwatching, trekking, rafting, horseback riding and more. Follow the special interest tours link for some suggestions to tailor your experience to Peru.

e-mail us with any questions, for more details and pricing

Cultural Expeditions Peru offers:

Add-on tour extensions to include with your main travel package to Peru.

Travel to the various regions of Peru such as Nazca, Colca Canyon, Arequipa, Amazon, Lake Titicaca, Sipan, Chachapoyas, Choquequirao to name just a few.

Travel packages tailored with extensions and expert knowledgeable trip leadership.

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Nazca Lines













































































Moldonado Rainforest

Uros Islands Lake Titicaca
Sipan Museum
Lord of Sipan
El Misti, Arequipa









Choquequirao Trek

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"Thanks also for helping to create a wonderfully life changing experience for Travis and me. The trip went well beyond all of my expectations! Wilbert was so wonderful in explaining everything"

With much appreciation,
Alice and Travis

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