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The native orchids of Peru represent some of nature's most beautiful expressions, as revealed through shape, color, texture, fragrance and adaptation to diverse habitats. The Peruvian country has 84 of the 103 biodiversity zones found on earth, is home to more than 3,000 of the 30,000 known orchid species, but it is estimated that only about 50% of the Peruvian species have so far been discovered. The most important recent discoveries have been Phragmipedium peruvianum (kovachii) in 2002 and Phragmipedium besseae in 1981, both in the Moyobamba area.

Orchids grow in the high tropical jungle on the eastern slopes of the Andes and in the cloud forest region. There, amidst the exuberant vegetation produced by nearly 5,000 mm of rainfall per year forming veritable natural gardens. They are found from the far northwest of Peru with species such as the Cattleya maxima with their large violet flowers to the eastern department of Amazonas where striking orchids of the Masdevalia genus thrive. In the Cordillera Blanca mountain range in the department of Ancash, interesting varieties of native orchids, including the wakanku (Masdevalia amabilis) can also be seen. he Machu Picchu Sanctuary it is home to more than 300 orchid varieties including the wakanki (Masdevalia vetchiana), and wiñaywayna (Epidendrum secundum) which are the most beautiful of these varieties. We have designed a very beautiful tour complete with biologist guides and a short Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu in order to gain an in-depth appreciation of these most beautiful flowering plants. See the special interest link to orchid tours to Peru.

Aoncidium cajamarcae
maxilaria orchid
Native Orchids of Peru

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Cultural Expeditions Peru offers:

Customized luxury group tours to Peru's amazing native orchids in an environmentally responsible way.

Travel to Peru's native orchids in diverse habitats while experiencing Spanish and Andean history, archaeology, arts and culture.

Travel packages tailored to your interests with expert knowledgeable trip leadership.