Samples of Special Interests


Archaeological tourism (sometimes labeled “archaeotourism”) is
travel that focuses on visiting and experiencing ancient sites and
historical places. The motivating forces behind archaeological
tourism are a passion for the past and an interest in learning about
the ancient or historical cultures that inhabited the area being visited. “Archaeotourists” are also attracted by the exotic (and often
hard to access) nature of the locations in which many archaeological sites are found and often desire unique experiences. Archaeological tourism may include visits to museums, places of historical significance, historically and archaeologically focused parks, and even attendance at traditional dances, festivals, and other events. Archaeological tourism combines a passion for the past with a sense of adventure
and discovery.

We follow guidelines and laws that mandate “good practices” for visiting sites. We are concerned with unregulated tourism which has led to the deterioration and destruction of sites around the world. Archaeological sites and historical places are finite, fragile, and non-renewable resources.

Peruvian Cuisine Expedition

Cultural Expeditions Peru offers exclusive cookery tours to Peru's unique cuisine that incorporated influences from different times and cultures. This culinary history dates back to the Incas and pre-Incan cultures. Our expeditions allow clients to indulge their passion for food, cooking and culture.

We experience guided tours to wine vineyards, colorful food markets along with the famous local sights of Peru. Dine in elegant top-rated Peruvian restaurants and authentic ethnic local food establishments.

The exact week's schedule will depend on the week of your travel and your chosen venue and we also make the most of the seasonal highlights and fiestas. You learn from professional tutors who have a passion for Peruvian cuisine.

table of Peruvian food


Weaving Techniques and Ancient Textile Expeditions

Weaving was a fundamental activity for all Andean pre-Columbian civilizations, because clothes and textiles had a value in the eyes of Andean peoples that was not much less than that of jewels and precious metals. The art of weaving vegetal fibers was also the first means of artistic expression in pre-Columbian Peru (history of textiles in Peru) and predated pottery making and metalworking.

We experience first hand weavers, spinners, dyers, and learn about the the unique weaving systems that are still in use today, including the tabular weaves, threading of tricolor complementary weaves, and the heddles of dual-lease weaves. We meet an Andean woman that worked with researchers on preserving themes and techniques of weaving in the Andean community. She traveled extensively to the U.S. to organize weaving exhibits with several universities and the Textile Museum of Washington D.C. She has organized courses where we can weave with the various local artesians in their unique local traditions.

While in Lima, we explore the superb museums and private collections of pre-Columbian textiles (timeline of cultures and arts) with a Peruvian specialist in the textile area, and participate in ancient pre-loom techniques and basketry using reeds and grasses. The expedition members experience the techniques of the ancient traditions that identified the residents with their particular locality, and also meet with present day weavers.

We also see folk art in various media such as clay and silver, as well as observe their unique and famous retablos. Plus, explore early Spanish colonial art which blended the Spanish and indigenous arts into new art forms. It will be delightful to hear the music of the panpipes, harp and charangos, and be captivated by the local dances of the festivals. The mystery of the ancient archaeological sites will amaze you, while the colorful outdoor markets, charm of the villages and tastes of the savory ethnic food will create treasured memories for years to come. An added extension to the Nazca or Lake Titicaca areas will add additional textile experiences to the itinerary.


Expedition on Ancient Peruvian Pottery Techniques

Ancient Peruvian peoples have left us remarkable and varied examples of their pottery production. Peruvian pottery was produced by two fundamental techniques: one was the coil method , and the other, particularly widespread along the northern coast, used molds. Vessels have also been found that were produced using both techniques.

There were also various methods of decoration: painting, which could be applied before or after firing; incision; modeling in relief; and three-dimensional decoration. Peruvian potters had the choice of a wide range of colors.

A fabulous collection of these beautiful pieces of pre-Columbian pottery can be visited in the Museums of Lima and Cusco along with a specialist guide in the area of Pre-Columbian pottery. In this trip we experience three different areas with three different ceramists and their techniques.



colonial gold altar

Early Spanish Colonial Arts Expedition

The Spaniards introduced a new religion, new forms and styles of European art to the peoples of the Andes after the conquest in 1532 by Pizzaro. In the beginning these changes were imposed but in time they were accepted and assimilated and eventually were integrated in the fabric of colonial life. Two different worlds met and produced something new.

In the history of art this transformation is revealed through the innovative changes in style, iconography, and through the emergence of local artists and themes. Spain's Moorish influence is also seen along with the presence of the defeated Inca empire particularly in Cusco. The mestizo emerged and ethnic groups and their flora and fauna of South America were introduced. All these subtle changes developed into Spanish colonial architecture and art as seen in painting, sculpture and the decorative arts which reveals the emergence of Peru's national identity.

The artistic heritage of the Americas stands as a unique contribution to the history of art and architecture and we experience its richness and uniqueness. We explore and learn first hand with the help of art historical specialists two categories that developed differently because of the context in which they were located. One was the metropolitan centers, where new ideas and forms were generated with the influence of European art, and another the rural areas where these new ideas and forms were integrated into yet earlier pre-Columbian expressions.

Cultural Expeditions Peru offers:

Customized luxury Tours to Peru that match your special interests.

Travel to Peru's Spanish and Andean history, archaeology, arts and culture.

Travel packages tailored to your special interests with expert knowledgeable trip leadership. Creating a high level of richness and caliber of your experience.

cultural expeditions logo

Add Special Interests to Your Tour to Peru


A tour can be designed to include educational interests such as:

Archaeological tourism (archaeotourism),
pre-Columbian pottery,
Peruvian textiles and weaving,
cultural history,
family home stays,
spiritual tours and Andean rituals
early Spanish colonial arts,
Andean cuisine,
Andean spiritual tours,
pre-Columbian and Colonial architecture and archaeology, Peruvian horses,
Spanish language immersions,
ancient and contemporary horticulture,
ancient mining techniques.

Include areas of activities such as:

Inca Trail,
trekking other trails,
boat rides on
Lake Titicaca,
horseback riding,
river rafting,
mountain biking,
paragliding in Lima

preservation or social projects can also be included.

We can also tailor your trip with various unique intercultural events and hands-on cultural encounters. We specialize in customized luxury experiences tailored to your groups interests and are committed to providing in-depth interdisciplinary expeditions that experience Peru's Spanish and Andean history, archaeology, arts and culture.

We organize an expedition for any size group of close friends or family members, couples, honeymoon couples, university students or alumni, members of museums, clubs or other organizations, a business associates group, high school expeditions, senior center groups or travel clubs.

Personalized attention to your particular needs is our specialty.

We work with renowned, top-of-the line tour operators, guides and specialists in each area of interest.

Private expeditions are priced individually according to the length of the expedition, what activities and extensions are included, the number of participants, the category level of the accommodations, special lecturers and guides presenting educational material, meals and extra services that are included.

What makes the difference is the richness and caliber of your experience.

Contact us for detailed information and pricing.


Andean Spiritual Tours

Join a pilgrimage into the ancient land and traditions of the Incas, not a tour of a foreign country. Our Peruvian guide, Jorge Luis Delgado is a native Peruvian of Incan descent. He takes a group to all of the popular, and some little known, Inca sites in the Sacred Valley around Cusco and into Machu Picchu as well as in the area of Lake Titicaca. You would have a ceremony very night with a shaman from the Quero community of Asangate Mountain near Cusco, Peru. You would meet the indigenous shaman of the area and participate in their rituals.

Jorge offers his services as a tour guide of the ancient core beliefs of the Incas, with practical applications to enrich and expand your life experiences. It is time to transform modern life and enrich our connectedness, as we embrace our heritage as Children of the Sun. Knowledge of the ancient Inca spiritual teachings and their application in today's world. Peru has a worldwide reputation for its archaeological and cultural treasures from Andean pre-Incan societies culminating in the Inca Empire. Time is used to learn and understand the social, cultural and religious aspects of their society as it is today, and we can also venture into the history of their ancient sites and civilizations, and the learn about the beliefs that founded their existence, still alive today. We can rediscover that place by connecting to the consciousness that inspired their creation.

According to the Andean Cosmic Vision, as well as The Spiritual & Healing Tradition of the Peruvian Coastal & Amazon Cultures, one must go through Munay. The Capacity to Love to make social and ecological agreements authentic. They use ceremonies that are very connected to nature, to the spirit world, and to sacred healing plants. They resonate with healing vibration of each person, tuning their frequency, balancing, and harmonizing their energy fields with the currents that move through the sea, mountains, and jungle.

The Elders are opening their hidden Wisdom. They are giving us guidelines on how to transform personal and environmental toxins, how to heal the planet and ourselves. They are providing more information about human consciousness; they are helping us on how to continue in this immense restructuring that is altering our perception of reality as well as our role in shaping it.

Sign up now for:

Andean Awakening Tour Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley & Lake Titicaca, Peru

May, 2011

for more information click here



Learn Spanish in Cusco
Spanish Immersion in Peru

Learning Spanish in Cusco Peru is one of the programs offered by Cultural Expeditions Peru. Peru is renowned as the land of the Incas but many great pre-Columbian civilizations flourished in the past. Visitors can see the ancient ruins of the Inca capital of Cusco, and explore the lost city of Machu Picchu as well as ruins from a variety of other cultures including the Nazca, Chimu, Wari and Moche.

Surrounded by Inca history and offering the comforts of an internationally known town, Cusco truly is an exciting place to learn Spanish. Once the capital of the great Inca civilization, Cusco is also home to magnificent examples of colonial architecture. The stone foundations of Inca temples are still visible in the colonial buildings around the city. Another fun activity is to seek out the many Indian markets selling the beautiful wool sweaters and textiles of Peru.


Orchid Expedition

Peru is the home of 3,000 orchid species, found from Tumbes in the north and Puno in the South, and more species are being discovered. In Lima species like the Chloraea undulata, Aa mathewsii and Porphyrostachys pilifer (the Little Peruvian) have been catalogued. The estimates for diversity within the Machu Picchu Historical Sanctuary reach 200. New species are discovered every once in a while like the Ponthieva sp. nov. (Bennett and Christenson), discovered in May 1998. One fascinating area is the section from Phuyupatamarca-Intipunku on the Ollantaytambo-Machu Picchu Inca Trail, which is a region of cloud forests from 3,600 to 2,500 m.a.s.1. The explorer will encounter virgin forests with abundant epiphytes and bushes. The most frequent genera are: Aa, Epidendrum, Lycaste, Masdevallia, Maxillaria, Oncidium, Odontoglosum, Phragmipedium and the Sobralia, the most spectacular being the Masdevallia veitchiana (waqanki, in Quechua).

In Lima we can visit the collectors greenhouses, and then explore the ancient citadel of Machu Picchu and its orchid collection with biologist guides or orchid collectors.

Voluntary work with children in Peru

Would you like to help socially and economically disadvantaged children, practise your Spanish (if you speak it at all, tho' this is not essential for volunteering)  and experience an authentic Andean community off the usual tourist trail?  Then go to to take your first step towards an unforgettable experience.


e-mail us with any questions, for more details and pricing

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